Why do you not want to be in an ETJ?

  • Cities often impose regulations

  • Cities actually collect revenue from you

  • Cities charge impact fees

  • Cities require you to pull permits

  • Developers are forced to work with the cities. That slows them down, costs more money, and they can be denied the ability to create what they intended to create. Often what the residents in that area are needing.

  • Advertisers are not allowed to place billboards within ElUs

  • Cities have little authority to address health and safely issues in the ETJ

  • The cities authority over ETJs is completely unmonitered

All while not allowing you to vote for the officials that create these regulations and collect these fees.

Avoid paying future taxes. Property freedom.

No more big city control.

These are examples of fees you could be paying for with little to no benefit to you.

Contact us today to find out how much we could save you!

Is My Home in an ETJ?

Cities do not make it easy to determine if you are in an ETJ or not.

We can help!
This is what we do!